
The Sakura Season in Japan! You can read about my flower viewing experience in April!


What else I did in February and March! Now with pictures in the gallery


A story about the worst time I have ever experienced in Japan. Now in February and March


A scandal in school and my new host family, now in February and March! and more to come


My New Year's "adventures" are up! 

and more will follow soon!


December 25th (and other dates)

Finally some updates! but still in progress


November 19th and 27th

I made a great friend and went to the Tokyo Sky Tree and more. Check it out here! ft. Pictures in the gallery and a new video even!


November 14th

I went to an American Festival (in September...)!



November 6th

Update School Part 2 and a trip to Shin Okubo! Click here for more

November 3rd

New blog post about my school festival! Right here


Due to some circumstances (better known as my non-existent intelligence) I couldn't update for the last 2 months but I made some upgrades on this page, so now it (hopefully) looks better!


to the new updates for September and October : last days and school pt. 1

with new pictures in the gallery

Hello, Guten Tag, こんにちわ! My name is Tabea and I am 17 (18 since Sep. 27) years old. In the next 10 months I am going on an exchange to Japan and this is my blog.